Agata's Tips and Tricks Algae Eater Alligator Fish Angel Event Angelfish Beauties Angler Fish Arctic Back-up your device Barb Duo Beautiful Butterflyfish Betta Fish Bird's Event Blowfish Blue Spot Jaw Fish Boxfish bred fish breedable Bumble Bee Fish Butterfly Fish carnival castles cats-a-plenty Christmas Stocking Fish Cichlid Event Clown Fish Clown Loach Fish Clown Trigger Clownfish Event colored backgrounds Dart Fish Declevis Butterfly decorations Devil Fish Discus Eagle Ray Early Thanksgiving Fish Easter event Elf Fish Emperor Angel Fish Event Fish exotic backgrounds Fang Tooth Fish Fantasy Event Flashlight Fish Flower Fish Forum Foxface Giant Barb Glow Fish Goat Fish Goby Event Gold Fish Green Snapper Guppy Half Black Angel Fish Hollywood How to? Ice Fish Indian Thanksgiving Fish info intro Introduction Jackpot Backgrounds jackpot spin Jellybean Parrot Fish Jewel Fish Killer Fish Killifish Quad Koi Larval Ribbon Fish Leafy Sea Dragon Leopard Wrasse level up levels Limited Breedable List Limited Breedables list of contents Agata Lizard Fish Long Finned Oscar Longfin Bannerfish Mardi Gras Marine Betta Marlins Missing fish Mother's Day Event 2012 moving app Mummy Fish Mustard Guttatus Tang Mustard Guttatus Tang offsprings mystery lab Neon Tetra other posts Panther Grouper Peppermint Angelfish Pink Skunk Clown Fish Piranha Pirate Cave Event pirate themed plants Powder Blue Tang prehistoric Prochilodus Trio Queen Blue Fish quick guide Rainbow Notho Ranchu Rasbora event Reboot Red Sea Angelfish Restore Roaring Lionfish rocks and stones Rudolf Fish Sailfin Tang Sammy Fishie Santa Fish Sassy Wrasse Scribbled Angelfish sea reefs shark bite Siamese Tiger Fish Sixgill Stingray Skeleton Fish Snowflake Fish spin to win Spring event standard backgrounds Steve's guide for tapfishers Stunt Dolphins Event offsprings Stunt Swordfish Event Sunshine Charmois Super Hero Fish Event Swetlips tank basics Tank Fever tap fish 2 Tap Fish Seasons Terrible Twelve Tetra Thanksgiving Event tips and tricks Training event how to Trophies and Rewards UDID number Update to iOS 5 walkthrough White Grunt White Snail Fish Wobbegong Trio wrogn fish names Yellow Longnose Yellowbelly Damsel Zombie Fish

Saturday, December 10, 2011

New event how to

First of all you will need to catch all breeders. You can see all of them on the screen when you start event. You can use free “broken net” which have very few chances to catch fish, 500 coins ” silver net” which will have quite well chances to catch fish or 5 bucks “golden net” which have high chances to catch a fish. You catching breeders one by one, in order; they appear on top left of the catching window. Once you catch first one, you can catch second one and so on. You have unlimited tries for it.
After you catch all breeders, you can start to breed them. And they do breed in mystery labs (and not in standard labs as past events). Since there is 5 breeders, then there is 10 possible different pairs to breed. Each pair gives 3 offsprings but only one from them does unlock reward. You can breed pairs in any order you wish. Important is to get offsprings which do unlock rewards (since event tab don’t show it then go look at main page or my page for offsprings you are searching for, I post always pictures). Rewards can be claimed only in order. Then if you breed for example offspring number 2 and 3 then your rewards would unlock only when you will get offspring number 1. But you will don’t need to rebreed offsprings 2 and 3, because they are memorized, then once you breed offspring 1 all 3 rewards will unlock at once (remember to not to sell your offsprings till you completely finish event’s rewards claiming). Since there is 10 breeding pairs then there is 10 rewards (one for each pair).
You have limited time to finish event, but getting all rewards, if you have 25 mystery labs, is possible without use of bucks. Just remember that you can’t finish breeding for event if you fill all your mystery labs with same pair of breeders; better to mix them (if you have 25 tanks then do 5 tanks of every of first 5 breeding pairs, 3 days later do next 5 tanks of every of other 5 breeding pairs, and finally look which offsprings you are missing and fill your tanks only with pairs of which you are missing the right offspring; this way at end of event you should be able to claim all rewards).
Go back to list of contents of Agata’s tips and tricks


  1. Very helpful and timely! Thanks for this info. Any advice for someone who's just started and only unlocked two mystery labs so far? I've got all 5 Dragons and used my first tank to breed the games suggestion (pink and yellow) but I'm not sure what to put in my second lab to make the best use of my limited resources during the event. Thanks again - keep up the good work!

  2. I've got two frog caught and don't have an option to get more. Also,none of my breedable fish show up in my normal breeding lab. Some of the mystery ones do after I switch back and forth between the 2 labs. Anyone else have this problem or know how to correct it. Already did a restore and put some in inventory and back to the tank, neither of these helped. Thanks in advance.

  3. If it weren't for Agata, we would NOT know that breeding pairs not in sequence would STILL be the right way to go, pending getting the rewards for the pairs which precede them. I criticize the Devs for not clarifying this at the outset, but, since Agata works for them, I cut them a break, lol!

  4. I don't see these fish at all. The last event or the "newest event" was the frogs...which just ended a couple of minutes ago. Where are these "new event" fish you are talking about? What's the name of the event?

    Second question. I bred the Oriental Sweetlips and the Long Finned Ramirezi and got all 10 offspring but I still have not see the trophy on my phone nor have I received my fishbucks. I emailed tapfish a couple weeks ago and they said it should "show up soon", but it's still not shown up. Anyone know why?

  5. Maybe because you're on Android?




Here you can find help with this game, as well as pictures of bred fish (hybrids or "breeded"). Some tips and tricks and useful links. However,
this is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of Tapfish creators. I am not affiliated with BayView Labs, Gameview, or whomever owns the game. All images posted are screenshots from my iPod. I don't use jailbreak, installous, cydia or other. According to USPTO, at the time I started this blog, Tap Fish and Tapfish were not registerred marks. For any copyright issues please email me and I'll remove copyrighted content as soon as possible