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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pirate Cave Event

Most of collection items you will not get actually physically in your tank (only fish get moved into your tanks, items like pearl necklace - do not).

Leaderboard rewards will be granted when event will finish. during all event you are collectiong event points, sum of those event points show on which place in ranking you are. Once event finish - depending on which position in ranking you are - you will be granted 1, 2, 3 or even all 4 of leaderboard rewards.


  1. So I got a phone call while I was mid-dive and now every time I try to dive again it says I have to finish that previous dive so when I say yes it just takes me on a never ending dive collecting nothing and I end up have to press my HOME button that takes me out of Tap fish all together. What should I do???

    1. I have this problem too, anyone know how to fix it?

    2. Restore doesn't fix it, I now have 40 dives that I can't use and have gone from being in the top 2%

  2. Restoring your game didn't fix it?

    I completed all of the collections 3 times and now it looks like I don't get to start over again. Anyone else, or is my phone glitchy?

  3. How do you reset your collections?

  4. The first two times my collections restarted automatically when I finished the last one. Now they all show completed, after 3 full times, and I just keep collecting items from the first collection and the first two fish of the second one. I no loger have monster attacks though.

  5. I have completed three rounds of challeges and now i seem to get a lot more monsters. I also just received a hybrid trigger fish in a box which i have never seen before. Finally, on one submarine mission, the sub had yellow flames. It looked tricked out and ran all the way through without stopping. I didn't use fish bucks. Anyone else?

  6. Is anyone elses scoreboard completely screwed up? Mine says that 1st, 2nd and 3rd all only have 10 points. I have thirty-eight and a half thousand points and I'm running 42467th and the next level up from me has 3 points.

    1. Same here. 38K + and it fluctuates from 6000 place to 60,000 place. I suspect tapfish will figure it out before the end.

    2. Lmao i just posted the previous comment and now i am ranked 67th!!!! Lololololololol!!! I am goooooood:-)

  7. Just started finding "hybrid triggerfish" on my dives. New fish, worth 1575 coins when an adult in 1 day. Downside, worth 0 event points. At this point I'm mainly in it for the end prizes and for the occasional fishbuck I can pick up.

    1. Wow. My Hybrid Triggerfiish are only worth 50 points.

    2. I mean 50 coins

  8. I've gotten the hybrid triggerfish but they never go in my tank after the dive. Where do I find them?

  9. I've gotten the hybrid triggerfish but they never go in my tank after the dive. Where do I find them?

    1. They may load into your inventory if you have your tank filled at maximum capicity.

  10. Where can I get the purple spotted fish to breed?

  11. The event has ended and I ranked between 801-7000. Where are the rewards? (I thought there was the palm tree, the pirate girl and the fish at that level). How do I receive them?

    1. I am in the same position

    2. So am I. It make me kinda frustrated.

    3. Same here! Pissed!

    4. Same thing here. This is ridiculous. I spent real money on this, but it will be the last time if I don't get my stuff soon.

    5. I spent $60. How much did u spend?

    6. I think they gave all to that d-bag face plant person with 400,000 points who obviously cheated lol. Hope ur ph breaks from all the hacking

  12. I'm pretty disappointed in the Pirate Cove game. I bought the 6 clam shells for $20 each 4 times a day for three straight days. If I was lucky and found 6 pearls, the sub would never show 6. It would only show 5. I ended up wasting 20 coins twice. During those "many" dives, I encountered a monster at least 80% of the time, sometimes on my first dive. I was thing to find the horses head. In all those dives for 3 days I only found TWO horses heads. I kept getting those omnipods OVER and OVER again. Very frustrating.

  13. I was in the top 800. Where the hell is my reward?! I didn't pay money and spend time to get nothing. This is starting to be typical of the game: pay money, get nothing. It's behavior like this that sends me looking to spend my money somewhere else.

  14. So after the ending of Pirates Cave, I logged into my TAPFISH game and I have 176 "gifts" to claim: 120 gifts for 20 coins and 56 gifts for 2 free fishbucks. MY GRAND TOTAL: 2400 FREE COINS and 112 FREE FISHBUCKS. Hooray(I guess!) I'm happy, but I really expected to receive the various level gifts instead...AND...I still can't access the LEADERBOARD final standings either!!

  15. I recieved nothing after the event. Pretty pissed.

  16. I completed the full cycle 4 times, was ranked 405th with 5 minutes left, when the game ended........nothing, no prizes, nothing, wtf!!!!

  17. Cough up the friggen rewards!!!!!
    Wtf ?!?!

  18. I'd like my rewards as well, but do you really think they set out to screw us? Perhaps they are having technical difficulties since this is the first event of this kind. I have faith we will get our rewards. Unfortunately, it looks like we just need a little patience.

  19. Well can someone answer us? We would really like our end of event rewards. Thanks.

  20. i wonder why we havent got the rewards my friend on the android version said he got his i guess the iphone one hasnt rewarded yet?

    1. I have an iPad and I haven't gotten mine either.

  21. I think nobody did get the rewards bummer

  22. Perhaps they should post something on their news page? It might help with the frustration. I hope they read this.

  23. Same here - Only ranked in the 16,000 range but was due some rewards. WHERE ARE THEY!!!!

  24. idk i got a message saying there was a free white clam placed in my tank and to check whats inside but i dont see one??

    1. I received the same message this AM and checked all my tanks. No clam shell.

  25. I play on my I-pad and I-phone (two games). I received the white clam message on both devices, but no clams. Hopefully, they will sort it out.

  26. I didn't get any message or any rewards. I'll wait a couple of days to see what happens. If I don't receive the rewards I was suppose to get then I don't see the point of playing this game any longer. I do believe that it was a programming error but they should have fixed it by now or at least left a message that they are working on it. I love playing this game but I can't trust them with another event if this doesn't get fixed.

  27. I sent an email to gameview studies this morning asking where the prizes were, and where is the event leaderboard. I just now checked on my iPad and have received the 4 rewards for placing between 1st and 800th place. I wonder if there will be any kind of additional rewards for those that placed in the top 100?

    1. Whts the email?

    2. I too sent an email to Support. They said to ignore the message re: the clam shell. Said they are in process of sustributing gifts To look for a gift icon in the bottom left of the screen. If not found, relaunch the game. If still not found report issue at

  28. I got my all 4 of my prizes today. It was in a gift icon on the bottom left. I'm using the iPhone 4s. I hope everyone else gets their prizes.




Here you can find help with this game, as well as pictures of bred fish (hybrids or "breeded"). Some tips and tricks and useful links. However,
this is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of Tapfish creators. I am not affiliated with BayView Labs, Gameview, or whomever owns the game. All images posted are screenshots from my iPod. I don't use jailbreak, installous, cydia or other. According to USPTO, at the time I started this blog, Tap Fish and Tapfish were not registerred marks. For any copyright issues please email me and I'll remove copyrighted content as soon as possible