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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Training event how to

You start your event by see your breeding pair. And thise breeding pair will never get moved in your standard tanks, then you will not have them physically in your tank. They are visible only in event breeding tanks and can't be bred (since you will not have them) after event is over.
Then you can breed thise pair and get several offsprings (trainable or not). First breeding will take just 10 seconds, after that there is available 4 tanks for breeding. 2 which will cost you few coins to could breed in (25 and 50 coins and breeding in them would take 1 and 2 hours), or use more two breeding tanks for free (breeding in those take 4 hours). That give you 4 breeding spaces for event, and you can breed in all of them in same time. You can access you event breeding tanks from "breed" part of event tab.
If you bred non-trainable offspring then it will get directly moved into your standard tank (if there is no space in your tank, then it will get moved into inventory). If you bred trainable offspring (it will have star T sign above it's head) then you can move it into training tank. Double tapping on offspring once it's trained and move into your standard tank make it do it's trained trick, and each kind of offspring do a different trick.
Training tank can keep upto 16 offsprings in a time. You can access your trainging tank from "train" part of the event tab.
There are two training methods:
1. you can train offspring yourself, but it can happen it would flip out of tank before you train it (in this case you loosing offspring, it run away; you will get some coins, 1 buck or a decoration for your tank however), but you can sucess of course.
2. or you can hire a pro (paying bucks) to train the offpsring for you, then result is guaranteed.
To train an offspring you can shake your device or swipe your screen.
Once offspring trained it get moved into your standard tank (if there is no space in your tank, then it will get moved into inventory).
To claim rewards you need or train specific kind of offpsring or train all offsprings 2, 3, 4, 5 etc times. You can check in "home" part of event tab how many of each offsprings you trained already. Note that you will not train a same offspring more than once, you will need another one of same kind to could have 2, 3 etc of trained for each of them (then you will need to keep breeding (then to get all rewards you will need 10 offsprings of each kind trained; total of 70 trained offsprings then to get all rewards; and breeing giving you random offspring, then some kind of them might be more difficult to get).
All ever trained offsprings are counted when they are trained then if you sell them or have them in inventory the count is still alright (no need to keep additional offsprings if you don't want them then, just remember that once event is over you will benot able to get more). Rewards can be claimed only in order. Then if you fill requirements for reward 3 but not for reward 2, you will be not able to claim reward 3 till fill requirements for reward 2. But offsprings trained do count directly, then you can train them in any order and in any time.
And that's it. You only need to keep breeding and keep training and with a little bit of luck you will get all needed offsprings trained in time.


  1. My event has disappeared from the top left --- what happened?

  2. i don't see my doulpin that i need to train in my training tank where can i find it at?

  3. When you 'hire a pro' do you get to keep using it throughout the entire event or is it just a one time use?

  4. it frustrates me that it costs so much to hire a pro. This game is very stingy with awarding fish bucks while many things you want to do costs a large amount of bucks. You should be able to convert so many coins to bucks

  5. I don't see my dolphin either. I have 3 that I need to train but I don't see them in the tank. Please help!

  6. There must be a glitch with the sidewinder dolphin. It doesn't appear when bred and doesn't show in the training tank even though the training tab shows that there should be dolphins there. Hopefully Tap Fish developers can fix the glitch quickly.

  7. I have not gotten a signal dolphin yet...but I have 2 full tanks of all the others!,,

  8. Tap fish is making big bucks off this Dolphin breeding game. 20 bucks to hire a pro is crazy. I think there should be away to change your fish coins into bucks. This is not fair to people that don't have a lot of money to spend when the economy is so bad right now. Please be kind and help your supporters out some jeez!

  9. Has anyone gotten the tumbling dolphin to train for free? I've lost so many I'm starting to think the game is rigged.

  10. Only 4 hours left in my dolphin event and I haven't managed to get a tumbling dolphin..this is soooo rigged...!!!!! And I have been breeding right from the start of when this event started...

    1. I agree. I finally paid and received a tumbling dolphin only to have it jump out of the tank. They are making so much money!

  11. OMG! they are made 300 dollars off me. I can't get the gold dolphin or the silver one. this is not fair. They should let you have everything after spending all that money to try and get all of them. U have to breed all of them 10 times to get all the prizes. It take to many tries. You will be broke after this event.

  12. The game is rigged! they are making a lot of money of u!

  13. I don't know what makes me feel sillier--shaking my iPad to train a dolphin or paying real money to "hire a pro", which seems to be the only way to train a Tumbling Dolphin. This event may very well cure my Tap Fish addiction.

  14. Not much time left, but if u move fast: The 2 tanks on the RIGHT side are the only tanks that make TUMBLING DOLPHINS. Just pay for those 2 over and over and eventually you'll get your 10 tumbling dolphins. Secondly, NIMBLE DOLPHIN never flips out, so FREE train him. ALWAYS PAY a PRO for the training on the tumbling dolphin; almost impossible to FREE train! Tumbling Dolphin pops into your tank about every 12th dolphin bred, so just keep going.... Good Luck cause that FINAL BADGE is worth it!!!

  15. Bred over 150 dolphins, Only got one tumbling dolphin for free, only a few signal and inverted. Was religious about breeding and training throughout event. Definately extremely low odds of breeding the good ones so you are wanting to pay the big bucks for the pro. Very frustrating..and I love the game, level 80 and have paid for bucks in the past but the price on training dolphins way out of a normal person's pocketbook.

  16. How do you clear your training tank after it has reached the max & none of thr fishes are visible in your tank? Can I reset it?? & if so, how???




Here you can find help with this game, as well as pictures of bred fish (hybrids or "breeded"). Some tips and tricks and useful links. However,
this is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of Tapfish creators. I am not affiliated with BayView Labs, Gameview, or whomever owns the game. All images posted are screenshots from my iPod. I don't use jailbreak, installous, cydia or other. According to USPTO, at the time I started this blog, Tap Fish and Tapfish were not registerred marks. For any copyright issues please email me and I'll remove copyrighted content as soon as possible